LiveLight Energy helps to Solarize Pendleton Oregon!.

Posted June 2, 2010

Pipe & Tabor recently worked with LiveLight Energy on a full campaign with the City of Pendleton to help Solarize Pendleton. They are working hard to get as many people in the Pendleton, Oregon area on Solar Electric power right now through fall. I was amazed to find out how affordable solar really can be with all of the current Oregon and Federal incentives out there. A basic system can save the home owner around 25-30% a month on the current power bill, and increase the value of their home by around 42% (compared to a normal home without solar). LiveLight Energy has been holding seminars on the program the past 2 months, and are available for any questions about the program. Call Lee Jorgensen at the City of Pendleton at 541.966.0248 or LiveLight Energy at 1.888.91WATTS.